Anyway, I watched a really touching movie yesterday called the "The Notebook". I really love this show. It is about a love story of two young lovers name Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun. You should really watch this movie if you're into romance, like me. (: I'll be here, I'll never leave you.
Watching this movie really brings back some good-old memories that I had. Bitter' sweet old days and it's been a long while.
Anyway, I really like romance films. Dear John, P.S. I Love You, Titanic, Eat.Pray.Love., (500) Days Of Summer, The Notebook.
Shall find some time to watch Something Borrowed, and other older films like Letters to Juliet and Never Let Me Go.
Oh, I remembered watching Letters to Juliet last year when I was on the plane to UK, ha, Literature trip did bring back some good-old memories. It was a rather sad place, more like a sad alicia when she was there. The place was beautiful, the snow and all, and all the places we had visited. I guess I'll return there one day when I'm older!
Realised this post is more like an Introduction to movies (mostly romance) that Alicia likes.
ha ha ha. Don't ever think I'll watch horror films like Insidious or Laddaland.
Amazing how I survived through' watching The Uninvited and The Unborn when I was Secondary 2.
How time flies.
Back to reading The Crucible!
xoxo, Alicia